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Her Royal Highness Princess Antonia Mercedes

Princess of the Holy Roman Empire Countess consort of Toulouse-Gèvaudan Sensitive, deeply supportive of clear ideas and firm convictions, the Countess Ituarte II, He is Chairman of the Council of the Maison de Gévaudan and maintains high the prestige of the dynasty franco-mero-carolingian, settled in Buenos Aires city, of which his son is Chief Arms and name.

Interview with italo-venezolana magazine SUROESTEONLINE Dear readers, from this special edition of Southwest, traditionally this month dedicated to fashion and mothers, will begin a cycle of interviews with personalities that are part of the Maison Gèvaudan and the order of Knights of Our Lady Santa María of Buenos Aires (O.S.M.B.A) I am Ambassador in Venezuela, in order to publicize a little more both instances and the laudable social work.

And to begin this month devoted to mothers, we are truly honored to do it with a special interview from Buenos Aires, to HRH Antonia Mercedes Castro of Gavaldá. (II) countess of Ituarte, Countess consort of Toulouse and Princess of the Holy Roman Empire. His Royal Highness on behalf of SO I give the warmest welcome to these pages, always faithful to the Maison, and thank you for the courtesy dispensed. * As it is characteristic in Southwest, we always begin our important interviews with a small portrait of the personality is dedicated to space, to make it known among our international readers, both Americans and Europeans . Therefore, would you tell us a little bit who is the countess of Ituarte, birthplace and some important memories of your life? First of all I thank Southwest by deference to allow me to reach so many people through this interview. In the second instance I thank you the loyalty and fidelity that has for our family, ideals and purposes. Finally, and upon your request, I will talk about something from me: I was born in the province of Tucumán, Argentina Republic,án on September 24, 1935; in my parents House. I officially scored in October 15 once my mother recovered from childbirth, happened - as at that time is used - in your home. I am the fourth of eight children. Elders to me, my mother's sons John, Martin and Hilda were called. All three have died. Widow remarried, my mother married my father, fruit of this love are born three children, who subscribes to, Candido (who also died) and Felix Andronico. Widowed father is House remarried, being born my younger brothers Eduardo and Hector. The last three I mentioned living, one in Buenos Aires and the other two in Tucumán. My parents names are Amelia del Carmen Ituarte and Sanchez and Tristán Castro Ortiz. My mother was the first Countess of Ituarte, title sub cognome granted by grace and mercy of Doña Josefa de Osorio, head of the Real Casa de Osorio in Hispania and that Doña Amelia del Carmen available today falls on my person, My father, which is closely linked, was Knight cross of the Royal and American order of Isabella the Catholic and Knight of the order of the star of Romania. I grew up in the countryside of my parents in that endearing tucuman land, young lies me in Buenos Aires where I met the XXXVI count of Gévaudan don Ricardo Alberto Gavaldá, my spouse, with whom he formed a family. Our first son don Ricardo Alfredo was born in 1963 and in 1969 our second son don Alberto Rubén, today head of the family, by abdication of rights of my Spouse and decline and public and official resignation of my firstborn to please his brother. I always returned to Tucumán to visit my affections. The family there is large, but I can no longer go, given the disease that afflicts me from years ago. Here in Buenos Aires with my spouse, we develop our lives in private activity, we maintained and maintain links and relations with different people and personalities from around the world; We work on the private stage, supporting culture and the preservation of the values and traditions. As mentioned lines ago today my days are no longer those of earlier, to my 76 years of age, must endure mental and physical pains of a very severe stroke, preventing me to do what I wanted to. Do this causal conducive to thank all those who help me and support with your prayers and company. The ladies of the company accompanying me, the Grand Chancellor, the staff and, of course, to the family. * Doña Antonia Mercedes, roughly what the Maison of Gévaudan? The House of Gèvaudan is a Memorial dynasty in exile. It is a privilege which in addition spousal joy. I have been the mother of the heirs of the rich history that Gavaldá family houses. The Maison de Gèvaudan or Gavaldá is not intended to territorial claim any in their former States, simply yearns for tradition to continue in the path of the story so far. Gèvaudan is a right but also a great social moral and historical duty for all those who make it up.

* Unbeatable custody of the lineage of Gèvaudan-Gavaldá, its history and ancient traditions, as President of the Council of the Maison is work at the forefront of this and how to carry it out?. The Council of la Maison compose, together with the head of the House, my Spouse, my son Alfredo Ricardo and my granddaughters Sofía Bethlehem and Camila Ángeles, these two with you but without vote. In monthly meetings and those extraordinary which each Member motu proprio (if necessary), we discussed that it is best for the family, we adopted roads, advise and suggest the current Prince count of Gèvaudan to what to do for the good of all . We ensure and safeguard both the official archive of the House as and above all their traditions. I personally rubric decisions jointly taken. * Don Rubén Alberto Gavaldà and Castro, of throne name "Esteve IV", current head of the family Spouse HRH don Ricardo Alberto and mother of HRH does represent that double and very important role that has brought you life for you?

Much certainly. Although he belonged to the nobility entitled by my mother, never imagine me to marry a suitor in the exile and accompany him in front of his obligations and duties for so many years. Clear, those were other times, today technology approaches and globalizing everything within seconds, communicating instantly. See the continuation of this work in don Rubén Alberto gives me peace of mind and security of having done things well. * As President what their responsibilities are, and, as Lady of the 21st century, which represents for you having such responsibility? My main responsibility is to accompany the current XXXVII count of Gévaudan. That is why I ask our Lord always guide our steps. I preside over explicit Council since 2004 by order of my son, who relies heavily on my like me in it. The responsibility is high, I can not escape it. * Solidarity believe it is one of the key words that describe the home, and that solidarity is provided not only in Argentina, where the dynasty has seat, but in different countries, where the diplomatic representations of the Maison how is? do you that solidarity work and what has been the response of those receiving it until now? The solidarity work never reaches. The needs around the world are many and many requests for aid that we receive. Faced with this reality the Maison responds with programs, actions and work through their diplomatic representations, they are in front of people that collaborate with us "ad honorem". They are custodians of the confidence of the head of the House, and in good faith, and within the framework of the country where they are working not only in materials and food issues but also in hospital aspects and preservation of culture , in many of its expressions.

* Deepening a little on the subject of the embassies, the Maison de Gèvaudan currently has a large diplomatic representation around the world, ranging from China to my country; Venezuela what represents this for the Royal household, in which countries have ambassadors and what is the main role of these? The embassies are: to the Holy See, in charge of S.E. le Baron Antonino Di Renzo Mannino of Mont-Lozère; in Italy in charge of S.E. le Baron Giuseppe Nicola Lamorte of Florac; in the USA run by S.A.S. le Prince Dennis von Blücher; in Ukraine conducted by S.A.S. le Prince Pierre Gavlosky de Causses (Secretary of Embassy: S.E. le Vicomte Leonid Gardashnikov of Mont - Mouchet and Consul General in Poltava: H.E. Chev.) Shandor Németh); in Bolivia in charge of S.E. le Vicomte Edwin Daniel Fernández Escobar of Vallon; in Russia run by S.A.S. le Prince Sergey Zhagat-encyclopedia of Castres; in France in charge of S.E. le Marquis Frederic Burckle of St. Gilles; in Belgium in charge of S.E. le Baron Juan Carlos Hormaechea de Hormaechea; in Romania (concurring in Hungary): in charge of S.E. le Baron Tatomir Ion-Marius; in Puerto Rico in charge of S.E. le Vicomte Luis Enrique IV Santaliz-Ruiz and Victoria López's Aubrac; Cuba carried out by H.E. le Baron Antonio J. Molina; in Brazil in charge of S.E. le Marquis Eduardo André Chaves Nedehf of Viana; in Spain in charge of S.E. le Chev. José Luis Trillo-Checa, and in Venezuela in charge of your cold. Don Claudio Emilio Pompilio Quevedo. Maintain a living presence and active of our Maison in each of these States is one of the best and more concrete ways of having presence. While the world is globalized and mediated through the contemporary ways of communicating, the House maintains the tradition of linked through representatives officers. They are a great help; their functions are purely diplomatic in all its possible forms. Diplomacy with a human face. Alive and active. They generate action "motu proprio" plans and respond to requests for specific actions that he asked the head of the House. * HRH the diplomatic missions of la Maison only have humanitarian/solidarity character or on the other hand, are instances that perform management of true cooperation and friendship with governmental and institutional bodies in each country? While the heads of name and of former reigning families weapons (dynasty Memorial in exile to be more accurate in our case) without any territorial claim, are treated - nobiliary law, and by international law - as heads of State troops. Their diplomatic representations are essentially humanitarian, hospitality, solidarity, cultural character and almost never policies. Therefore, the levels of communication and cooperation are among others with various agencies and supranational, national and private; corporations between them and an example quote: universities, academies, orders of knighthood, research institutes, religious associations, churches, government areas dedicated to the history, social action, etc. * This month that Venezuela and other countries celebrate mother's day, I would like to ask. Being the progenitor of our Prince sovereign how you see the work that HRH has held until the present time and that differs from its predecessors? Let me greet all the mothers on their day, recalling in particular to my dear mother Doña Amelia del Carmen, Countess I of Ituarte's who keep many wisdom teachings, which I transmitted to my children. About don Rubén Alberto I can later that applaud the work, which is since 2003, for the good of the House. Their immediate parent was my spouse the XXXVI count of Gèvaudan. Both the as his father don Enrique José, who I keep a happy memory, have brought the interest of la Maison in the best possible way in the historical reality that touched them. Since the incursion of media globalization, such which pointed out in preceding paragraphs, has changed everything in a few decades. Don Alberto Rubén is a young person who handles very well the communicational reality of this Millennium III and is at the height of what his rank and appointment required. It conserves the structure which has inherited from his parents and has been able to adapt to the changes very accurately. He is a person of solid knowledge and noble heart. Everything a true head of dynasty should be. We, his parents are proud of him and his work. * The current world is immersed in a crisis and total chaos at every level. Especially at the political level, in many European Nations are heard voices calling for a radical change and return to the ancient monarchies would HRH believes this phenomenon could be the circumstances or are voices clamoring in the desert? And according to his concept what contributions could offer the Royal houses to modern societies? It is true what you say, but I don't think that you can turn to the monarchical system in many countries. The world has changed dramatically in a short time. Pro monarchists movements existed always. Aristocracy means the Government of the most suitable, but many nobles are truly fit for a State to govern well?. I do not see some heirs with conditions. But more than this very personal opinion, I think that the monarchical system (which is as good and as bad as the Democratic), depends on who becomes high. Viable proposition should be updated and could thus be taken into account to return to what was, and be a valid government option. I understand, also, that it should be elective between those with legitimate and not automatically hereditary rights. It was something like the Holy Roman Empire or how is it today currently the papacy. The Royal houses, happily prevailing, or memorials in exile are depositaries of the wealth heraldic-historical of a village. They are a reservoir of traditions and custodian of them. They can and should contribute much at all times. They are the history and continuity live it in a country. Their rights are inalienable and essential and will last the time lasting centuries. * Giving a look to the next thing. Making an exercise of visualization do HRH is the future of the Maison de Gévaudan? The future of the House of Gèvaudan was, is and always will be prosperous. The future, in the light of the mark given by don Alberto Rubén, has put the dynasty on the threshold of the Millennium III with the fair and clear update of their reality in the history and in the mists of time. Obviously depends on the successors of the XXXVII count; We are confident that our Lord through the intercession of St. private of Mende and Saint Firminus de Gabales continue to guide the family on the steps to follow, giving them leaders need. * Belong to a Royal House is not an easy task has despite the distorted belief that the princes are frivolous, indifferent, beings who do nothing productive. We know and we are proud to note that Gavaldá House is not one of those cases. Then I ask respectfully how is a day in HRH the Countess of Ituarte? Well, dear friend. I must confess that for a few years, seeing me seized by a serious illness as it is that ails me, I'm only in my residency with little public life. I've been an activity of recollect. I accompany my children - usually - from my room and living room. I can do little now out of them. Accompany within my capabilities. I advise and in an honorary way Chair explicit Royal Family Council at the request of my son don Rubén Alberto. I exercise the Presidency of institutions of charity and others symbolically. I am accompanied by my family and the ladies of company that for years and as you already reference are near my affections. Without them I could not have answered your questions. The occasion do conducive to make public my appreciation for all them. * To complete this wonderful event that I deeply appreciate, HRH I would like to give a final message to our readers and especially to Ambassadors of the House? Yes, of course. First of all thank you for everything you have done, do and will do for the greater glory of the House. In second instance asking them to accompany don Rubén Alberto throughout as can be. The union makes the force by which invite you to strengthen their personal ties, because the is full and full of riches that would do well to share with other pairs. If my son in you whole family also hopes it does. Pray for me, I do it for all of you, for their work and their families. God is praised always!!

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