The dynasties of the Guilhelimides and the dynasties of Tolosa are both of Merovingian origin.

Pursuing the quest for the Holy Graal, the researcher, looks at the Holy Grail through an initiatory, esoteric and spiritual point of view, in a predominantly symbolic context within which, therefore, history is only a secondary element.
On this occasion, to the other side, we will also talk about the Grail understood as possible and effective descendency of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, then we will use, in a technical context, the strictly historical sources that can still be consulted of certain historical because historical is the value of this research, for fairness we will discard all those elements that are not certain and therefore not demonstrable.
Through the research exposed here, it will be possible, by providing sources that can be found, and examining those mentioned in the exhibition and listed at the end of the documentary attached, to demonstrate how the Merovingian descendants has arrived at our days and how, indeed, how for real they has been opposed and fought fiercely by the Roman Catholic Church, especially those times, throughout history, when Clovis's descendants reached the height of power in the geopolitical context.
What will be illustrated on this occasion will therefore be a historical reality, which is the same to have been fictionalized in recent times, and in certain of those occasions, exasperated, but always starting from some historical truths little known but at the same time incontestable.
Remaining strictly historical evidence, since the twelfth century we have the first ancient sources that identify the Holy Grail with the Real Blood of Jesus; these sources, which we will now examine, affirm that at that time the descendants of that race were still alive. This therefore shows that already in the twelfth century there was talk of a messianic lineage.
First we will deal with Parzival, the famous literary work of Wolfram Von Eschenbach, which is known to be a mythological story, in the reality, in addition to having also the function of transmitting important esoteric elements of knowledge for obtaining the Grail, it would represent, through these myths in a hidden key, truths and fundamental secrets, both historical and spiritual. In recent times, several historians and experts have in fact succeeded in highlighting certain and absolutely amazing similarities between the characters of Parzival with characters and real places that lived in the regions of Languedoc, Toulouse and Provence, certifying many notions that were already accessible and demonstrable, but still lacking an adequate diffusion.
Through this line of historical investigation, it is possible to determine that the protagonsists of the history represented in the Parzival, are Merovingians.
Especially in the last two decades, most of the official historical literature gave the Merovingian dynasty to extinction in 751, but there are several historical artifacts that prove the opposite of any doubt, and the first of these finds dates back to 754 and it consists in an act of vowal of vassalatic fidelity through which a powerful noble of merovingian lineage had been appointed Count of a region reconquered to the Muslims.
Continuing the investigation, we come across another ancient source of 1118 that indicates a Count who belonged to the Merovingian lineage and whose ancestors had large estates in Burgundy and always through historical sources still accessible, it can be determined that also Bernard II, Count of Toulouse, was a descendant of the merovingian lineage.
The documents present in the Abbey of Saint Guilhem declare William of Aquitaine, also known as William of Gellone or Guillaume d'Orange in the chansons de geste, as heir of the dukes of Burgundy and merovingian descent, through the ancestors of his father Theodoric, and in the Historical Archive of the University of Auvergne in Clermont-Ferrand, there are documents, deeds and diplomas confirming Theodoric's frank origins, as well as the fact that he was of royal lineage, unlike most of the Counts of that age. Informations adhering to those described, were also found in the annals of Lorsch. It is essential to keep in mind that during the period in which these documents were produced, the Merovingian lineage was the only one to be considered royal.
According with all this, the biographer Thegan, in his Gesta Hludovici Imperatoris (813), refers to Bernardo di Settimania, who was the son of William of Aquitaine also as a Count of "royal lineage".
The Counts of Toulouse were therefore Merovingians and in the Dynasty of Toulouse, Count Raymond V, was very close to the Cathars, for this he was fiercely persecuted by the Catholic Church of Rome, which saw in them a serious threat to their political-religious hegemony.
In an historical act dating back to 754, Sigebert, defined within the document as "descendant of the King Meroveo", was appointed Count of Rouergue, after the vowal allegiance to the French king Pippin III the Brief. In the act we find precise textual words ".... the Count Sigebert of merovingian lineage."
The dynasties of the Guilhelimides and the dynasties of Tolosa were therefore related and both of Merovingian origin.
From the houses of Toulouse and Trencavel, following the marriage of Ruggero Tagliaferro with Adelaide of Burlats, Raimondo-Ruggero Trencavel was born, also fiercely persecuted by the Church of Rome because of his indifference towards the latter and for allowing free coexistence between Christians and heretics in his lands.
Raimondo Ruggero Trencavel, will die during the Crusade against the Albigensians, on the occasion of which he was captured and segregated in the prisons of his own castle, where he is said to have died by poisoning.
It is believed that the Parzival by Wolfram Von Eschenbach, the literary work for excellence about the Grail, was inspired by the person and the deeds of Raimondo-Ruggero Trencavel.
Some historians have been able to outline an evident connection between the hero Parzival, the Fisher King and other characters and elements, with characters, things and places in which Raimondo-Ruggero Trencavel lived.
The Castle of the Grail would be that of Foix, Gahmuret, the father of Parzival, would have been Roger II Trencavel, the mother of Raimondo Ruggero would have been Adelaide of Toulouse, King Castis would be Alfonso II the Chaste and Repanse de Schoye, the bearer of the Grail, would have been the famous paladin of the Cathars, Esclarmonda of Foix.
Even the names of the two characters have an identical etymological root, as Trencavel means, translated, "one who cuts well", while Parzival means "one who cuts in half or at half".
Gahmuret the Angioino, father of Parzival, who would have been in reality Ruggero II Trencavel, who in the novel was told was originally from the Duchy of Anjou to the north of France, in reality it would have been Anjou, a place with the same name in the Parzival , but not the same, since the former is in the north of France, near Nîmes and near Lion. The territory in the merovingian era belonged to the dukes of Burgundy and to the Guilhelmides dynasty.
Continuing the analysis of historical-literary analogies, the medieval city of Carcassonne adapts itself with astonishing precision to the imaginary city of Graharz, described in the Parzival by Wolfram Von Eschenbach, being the only medieval city in Europe to present similar characteristics, in addition to this , the Castle of Trencavel is embedded in the outer walls and as if this were not enough, any scholar of medieval architecture knows that a castle of that era usually has few towers. Just the fortresses of the most powerful nobles counted at most 4 or 5 towers, but never more than 6. Carcassonne, has a total of 56 towers. Which would justify why inside the story, Parzival described the sight of the towers of Graharz as "towers to no end".
Another crucial part of Parzival is the siege of the Pelrapeire Castle and the meeting with its future bride Condwiramurs, Queen of Brobarz and sovereign of incomparable beauty.
Reading the Parzival, we realize that the description of the castle of Pelrapeire coincides in an impressive way with that of Beaucaire which was actually the holiday home of the Counts of Toulouse and their Vassals, the lords of Montpellier and the resemblance is striking, especially for the amazing coincidence of similarities, such as the location, the structure, the surroundings, as well as being, just as in the story, on the banks of a large river; the castle of Beaucaire is the only castle in France to present all these features together and to be located on the Rhône, one of the largest rivers in Europe and the main one in France. The coherence of similarities also extends to the wife of Raimondo-Ruggero Trencavel who was precisely Agnes of Montpellier.
The Castle of the Grail, is instead a symbolic representation of the Castle of Foix, as it corresponds perfectly to the description in the story, being near a lake, being equipped with a drawbridge that passes over a river, in this case the Ariège, and being in a cliff, making it impregnable exactly in the ways described in the story of Parzival.
The King Fisherman would have been Raymond VI of Toulouse, who in the story was uncle of Parzival's mother, exactly as Raymond VI of Toulouse was Raymond Ruggero Trencavel, in this case the most obvious analogy between the two characters, in addition to the degree of kinship, it is the singularly excessive and libertine character that has marked the whole life of King Raymond VI of Toulouse and his feudal rights over the castle of Foix.
Another key element to outline an overall picture is that in history, we have the palace mayors who, allying with the Church of Rome, ousted the Merovingians. The Pope crowned the Pipinids and even forbade, on pain of excommunication, to elect King from another lineage, declaring them to be the only Royal Dynasty of France.
This evident and repeated acrimony against the Merovingian Dynasty through the generations, i believe can provoke in anyone, at least more than a reasonable interrogative, among the question of what might have been the factors that could have disturbed the interests of the Roman Catholic Church in such a way. If in this particular investigation, we start from the original medieval legends of the french tradition, we see after the death of Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene and her brothers Lazarus and Martha settled in the mediterranean region of Provence, in one of the many jewish communities distributed in Southern Gaul and from the progeny of Mary Magdalene, hosted in one of these Jewish communities, the Merovingians would be descended, whose, if this genealogical connection is real, would be rightfully the natural heirs of Jesus.
On this occasion we will not mention them all, rather we will limit mentioning those on which there is a relationship with the historical elements exposed above.
First we would like to mention the Gévaudan, descendants of the Counts of Autun and of Toulouse. The Priory of Sion, in 2016 signed with Prince Rubén Alberto Gavaldá, a descendant of the Gévaudan, a treaty of alliance and mutual recognition, precisely to honor and celebrate the link between the Order and the Merovingian Dynasty.
The Royal House of David-Toulouse Gévaudan was also mentioned in the "Almanac of Würzburg 2014".
Based on the historical material that we have illustrated, we can also mention the Toulouse and Lautrec Dynasties, two other great lineages.
From the marriage of Baldwin of Toulouse and Alice of Lautrec will born the prestigious Toulouse-Lautrec dynasty that from 1196 is perpetuated to the present day and from this will also originate other branches, or the dynasties of the Lords of Puechmignon, Montrosier and Lavaur, which became extinct in 1788 and, in turn, the Lords de la Treille who have been perpetuating themselves since the 1530s, as well as the lords of Saint Germier and Caylar who from 1360 also arrived today.